
They tried to clamp Gwen’s drain last night but her pressure went up in her head. They have her drain open again. They have tried to turn her vent down so she has to breathe more on her own. Her cultures are still showing staph. The Neuro doctor said he will try again tomorrow to turn the drain off and test the pressures in her head. If they still are too high and the clot is still blocking the flow for the first surgery they will need to put a VT shunt in but they can’t do that until after the cultures are clear. They put a boot on her foot to help with mobility of her ankles while she isn’t able to move. While she is dealing with all of this we still aren’t able to address the actual reason she is in here. The cancerous tumor in her brain stem.  Please pray for her. She deserves a break. She deserves some good news. She deserves to get out of this bed and play.  We love our perfect Princess Gwen our Little Bean! 💕



